If you’re looking for the perfect accent to spice up a meal but you keep coming up dry, it might be time to consider microgreens.
What Are Microgreens?
Microgreens consist of tiny vegetable greens around 1-3 inches tall that are used to add both taste and decoration to a fine dining spread. They’ve been used in high-end restaurants for years to enhance the appearance, texture and taste of special dishes.
Microgreen leaves come in a variety of flavors that range from sweet to spicy and also differ widely in texture and color. These variances often depend on what vegetable, herb or other plant the microgreen was originally harvested from.
The average microgreen crop time from seeding to harvest is 10-14 days, and some microgreens are sold rooted in soil while they’re still in the growing phase. This allows the buyer to cut them when they see fit and use them in whatever salad, soup or sandwich they’re looking to decorate.
When Did Growing Microgreens Begin?
Microgreen growing was incorporated into restaurant life as early as the 1980s, according to industry members in San Fransisco, California. It rose to prominence in Southern California in the mid-1990s, but the varieties for sale were very limited. A form of microgreens sold in cellulose (paper) pulp as a microgreen growing medium has been popular in Europe since the early 2000s.
Now, the microgreen industry in the United States has expanded to include many growers and seed companies across the country. High quality microgreen growing requires knowledge and expertise developed over years of work.
What Are Microgreens Used For?
Fine dining establishments use microgreens to add a touch of class, refinement and decoration to dishes like soups, salads and even beverages. Many high end markets have also begun incorporating microgreens into sandwiches and other menu items.
But microgreens don’t have to stay in the restaurant. They can add a level of sophistication anyone’s dinner table. Consider microgreens for your next family gathering or dinner party to add that extra bit of flair. See this link for more.