Grass Fed Cattle
Grass fed beef and other meats are known to be some of the healthiest options for you and the planet. Americans are constantly eating meat in their dishes, which is why you should always choose the option that is going to bring you the most health benefits. Research has shown that, on average, Americans eat about 66.5 pounds of beef and 90 pounds of chicken every year! Grass-fed beef and other meats are known to have more benefits because they are sustainable meat options that will give you the nutrients you deserve as well as give back to the earth we live on.
Grass-fed has a higher concentration of some nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins that are needed for sustenance. Cattle produce methane, which is why grass-fed cattle give back to the environment because the well-managed grazing that these cattle do completely compensates for methane and other greenhouse gases. However, you have to trust a company that is well-managed and knows how to give back.
In 2001, estimates concluded that 60-80% of the antibiotics that are produced in the U.S. have shown up in livestock’s feed. Grass-fed beef also contains 7 times more beta carotene than cows that are grain-fed. There are many benefits, and real results that could have an impact on your overall health.
Wild Salmon and Its Benefits
There are also many benefits to wild salmon over farm-raised. Alaskan sockeye Salmon has been used in a variety of wild salmon recipes that you may find in your favorite restaurants. But did you know that there are also real health benefits to choosing wild salmon over farm raised? Farm raised salmon is known to have more than three times of saturated fat than wild salmon, which can be detrimental to your health. Wild salmon also has fewer calories, by a whopping 32%. Choose an option that gives you real health benefits and less calories so that you can stay on a steady diet. The next time you are thinking of wild salmon recipes to feed to your family, remember that salmon that is caught wild is the best option for your dish.