Did you know that including stone crab claws on your dinner menu is a must if you are planning to serve a delicious meal? As stone crab season started on October 15th, it is in full force at this very moment. Since stone crabs are widely considered among the most scrumptious of any salt water species found in Florida Bay, stone crab claws are, undoubtedly, among the most popular fresh seafood delivered to homes all over the United States.
If you are a stone crab aficionado, you are well-aware of the reasons that so many people look forward to this time of year. The sweetness of their plump, meaty claws makes stone crabs one of the most sought after of all Florida Keys seafood. Although stone crabs are a tasty delight on their own, connoisseurs claim that they are even better when dipped in mustard sauce or butter. Some stone crab purists, however, view this as a desecration of a delicacy that is perfect in its pure, unadulterated form.
While stone crabs are highly regarded for their flavor and texture, they also contain all of the health benefits for which seafood is known. They are low-fat, high in protein, and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats. Of course, the reason that so many people take Omega-3 and fish oil tablets is for their natural health benefits.
Like most seafood, including stone crabs as part of your diet can strengthen your immune system, and reduce the risks for cancer, arthritis, and asthma in children. Research shows that seafood may even decrease the risk for depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
The only drawback of buying seafood is that it can be challenging to find exactly what you want. Some supermarkets offer a decent selection of lobsters, shrimp, and other popular seafood, but you’re always limited to what they have in stock. By ordering seafood online, seafood lovers can order exactly what they want, and have it delivered fresh, directly to their doors. Gifting seafood is also becoming a popular way to say “Happy Holidays” in a unique and thoughtful way.
The Florida stone crab is one of those rare foods that is both delicious and healthy. Whether you decide to order seafood online for yourself, or if you’re considering gifting seafood to family or friends, it is the best way to get your favorite, fresh seafood.