Going shopping with children can either be the most fun experience of the week or it can be the most disastrous. There is really no in between. If you have children then you understand this sentiment. Even so, there are several things that you can do in order to make life a little bit easier when you have to go shopping. These tips are particularly true for mall and retail shopping but can also be applied to grocery shopping when applicable. Having said that, with all of the pick up and delivery options these days, there’s almost no reason to ever go inside a grocery store with your kids in the first place.
Bring or Rent a Stroller
This is going to be a life saver. Especially if your child does not know how to unbuckle themselves. If you have a child that is a runner, having a stroller is a great way to make sure they aren’t going to get lost. You don’t want to end up spending your entire shopping time restraining your child. Being in the stroller will also make it a lot easier to make sure that they are grabbing things off the shelf. Just wheel the stroller outwards so that they can’t reach anything and you’ll be all set. Without the added stress of running after your kid, the whole day will be much more enjoyable that you probably anticipated. That is, unless your child tends to scream when being strapped in to their stroller. That’s where this next tip comes in handy.
Stop for Ice Cream
Those little paper ice cream cups are going to be your life life when you are out shopping. You can use the dessert cups as an incentive if your kids are old enough. If not, get a large ice cream and put it in the adult cup holder of the stroller. You can then doll out smaller paper ice cream cups so that your child eats the ice cream slower and it will last longer. Of course you want to be careful for the amount that it is going to melt. Having said that, even if it melts completely, you could still put it in paper ice cream cups and allow your child to drink it through a straw. Just check on the cup every now and again to make sure the integrity of the paper isn’t being weakened by the ice cream or that your child hasn’t torn a hold in the cup.
Have Other Snacks
Now, you don’t want your child to be eating out of paper ice cream cups the entire time you are at the mall or wherever you are. Plus, some stores don’t allow you to bring food like that inside, understandably. In these cases, you should always be armed with healthy, mess free snacks. Things like crackers, dry cereal and granola bars are easy to throw in zip lock bags and take with you on your shopping trip. Try reserving special snacks specifically for shopping. If you give them the same snacks that they always get, they may quickly bore of them and just start throwing them out of their stroller.
Work it Around Nap Time
If you are shopping when they are supposed to be napping, you can hardly blame them for being upset and unruly. Kids of a certain age need structure and nap time is apart of that structure. Their poor little bodies are growing and changing constantly and it can wear them out. Try shopping in the morning before their nap time or in the afternoon after their nap time but don’t expect them to take a nap in their stroller. There will be too much going on around you for them to be able to get a decent amount of sleep.
Shopping with kids doesn’t have to be a terrible experience. In fact, it can be quite enjoyable. You just have to know the right tips and tricks for getting the job done properly. Kids can even enjoy being out and about with you if they are properly entertained and cared for. Remember that being in the stroller can get boring so toys and movies would not be a bad idea either.