It seems that people every year continue to have more and more places to eat. That’s thanks in large part to big growth in the fast-casual restaurant industry, which includes brands such as Chipotle and Panera, but there also are plenty of new fast food restaurants popping up on a regular basis as well. What’s […]
Author: Green Diet
Drum Pumps The Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed
When liquids such as oil, water, or cleaning solvents are shipped from the factory, they typically arrive at the manufacturers in 55 gallon drums. It takes drum pumps to safely and cleanly empty these huge, heavy drums. If the term sounds unfamiliar, drum pumps are a sort of mechanism that can pump a liquid of […]
Get the Most Our of Cooking with Edible Flowers with These 7 Tips
One thing people love about going out to eat their meals is the presentation of their food. Many of us like to eat meals that look nice and are pretty. Adding edible flowers to your food can dress it up in a way that other things cannot. This can be especially great for children. Studies […]
Understanding Petite Microgreens
Petite microgreens have been increasingly used over the past 20 to 30 years, especially in upscale restaurants. Fine dining restaurants make up about 10% of total American restaurant sales, and those sales have been up 3% over the past year. This means that while only a small segment of the population has had regular exposure […]
Simple Tips for Using Edible Flowers in Your Dishes
Edible flowers have become some of the most fascinating and interesting ways to make any dish instantly more appealing, flavorful, and entertaining. If you’re looking for a way to use edible flowers in your daily dishes, here are a few simple tips: Not every flower is edible (of course), and the ones that are edible […]
Why Should You Try The Organic Juice Cleanse?
Our bodies have 4 system that eliminate toxins, and many auxiliary ways that work with those systems to help in the toxin elimination. However, the amount of chemicals the average person gets everyday is very high, which then creates a level of toxicity that is much more that what our system can cope with. Many […]
Holiday Hors d’oeuvres With a Zing
The holidays are so close that we can almost hear the slighbells ringing from our bedroom window. And for the hosts and hostesses out there, you know what that means: it’s time to break out your best platters and hors d’oeuvre recipes! Typically, dinner guests want challenges. They want their taste buds to feel excited […]
Top 8 Places for a Destination Wedding
You’re in love, he proposed and you said yes! You pick the date and now it’s time to start the real planning. However, things are going quite the way you planned and family members are causing a lot of drama. This article has the answer for you. Two words: destination wedding. No one can interfere […]
Hamming it Up For Hummus, The Next Superfood
Everyone is always looking for good and nutritious party snacks. Contrary to popular belief, party snacks can taste amazing AND be good for you! Canada has over 15 public holidays (and as many as 22 depending on the area), which is prime time for spending time with your family and friends and making snacks to […]
How Did Guacamole Get So Popular? And Where Did It Come From?
Sometime in the last 10 years, a simple dish has swept across the nation’s taste buds. Yes, we’re talking about guac, bro. Just how popular is guacamole? It would be difficult to overstate just how deep guacamole penetration has gotten over the past few years. While popular dips like salsa, nacho cheese, queso, vegetable, ranch, […]